Meniere’s Disease Activity Planner: A FREE Tool for Taking Action

When you live with Meniere’s disease, fear can pervade every aspect of your life.
We fear having a vertigo attack when we’re out with friends. We fear that our loved ones won’t understand what we’re going through. We fear our doctors won’t know how to help us, or know what to try next.
And the fear makes it difficult to do the things we want to do.
So I created a free tool to help you plan for any activity in a way that addresses the fear directly and prepares you for every outcome.
I present to you – the Mind Over Meniere’s Activity Planner:
It’s a one page activity planning tool that will help you prepare for every possible outcome and provide a roadmap to follow in case of an emergency.
And that’s not even the best part.
Once it’s completed, it folds down to the size of a credit card with emergency contacts on one side and emergency instructions on the other.
It’s a planning tool and medical ID card in a single user-friendly package.
How to Use the Meniere’s Activity Planner:
You can fill out the activity planner on your computer or print it, and fill it out by hand. All you have to do is fill out the sheet in the following order:
1) Potential Problems: In this section, make a list of everything that could go wrong when you do the activity you’re planning to do. Make sure to include a worst case scenario.
2) Solution to the Problem: For each potential problem you identified in step 1, make a list of everything you can do ahead of time to prevent that specific problem from happening, as well as what you can do in the moment if that problem were to occur.
3) How to Recover: Describe the steps you can take to recover from every problem identified in step 1, were each of them to occur.
4) Steps to Prepare: Create a list of the steps you will take to prepare for the activity based on everything you’ve written so far.
5) Toolkit – List of Meds and Supplies: Create a list of all of the medications and supplies that you will need to bring with you to solve any potential problems that might arise.
6) Escape Plan: Write down the steps you can take if things go horribly wrong and you suddenly need to get yourself out of the situation safely. If you’re with a close friend or family member, decide on a signal that lets the other person know you are having a problem.
7) In Case of Emergency – Call: Make a list of your emergency contacts along with any relevant information someone would need to call your loved ones. Make sure your contacts are informed ahead of time.
8) In Case of Emergency – Do: Create a list of the steps that someone else can take to help you in an emergency, as well as any other relevant medical information.
Once you’ve finished filling in each section, it’s time to fold the tool into a medical ID card.
Folding the Sheet into a Medical ID card:
To fold your completed activity planner into a medical ID card, either follow along with the instructions in the video, or follow these simple steps:
1) Fold the left third of the sheet back and crease.
2) Fold the second third back and crease. At this point, the right third of the sheet is all you should be able to see facing forward.
3) Fold the resulting sheet in half, and then in half again. If you did it right, the paper should be about the size of a credit card and “In Case of Emergency – Call” will be on one side with “In Case of Emergency – Do” on the other.
Download the Meniere’s Activity Planner:
Just like all of the other PDF tools I’ve created, the Mind Over Meniere’s Activity Planner is 100% FREE.
You don’t even need to sign up for my newsletter, you can just download it and start using it right away!
But if you have few dollars you can contribute to the cause, it will help me to keep creating free tools like this for the Meniere’s Community! I’ve added a Paypal donation button below to make it easy:
Click Here to Download
the Meniere’s Activity Planner
And click “Donate” below to make a donation to Mind Over Meniere’s.
Veronica Morua
Thank you for this tool to use. Can you provide an example of an activity ?
Hi Veronica, it can really be used for anything that you want to do but are afraid to try because you think Meniere’s will ruin the day. It could be as simple as an outing with your friends, going on a vacation, going on a boat. Really anything that you’re afraid to do. Taking the time to use this tool and plan out everything that could go wrong helps to face the fear and will show you that in most situations, even if everything goes wrong, you’ll be okay in the end, because you can recover.
Veronica Morua
Thank you.. Im going to utilize this tool on a daily bases and for planning upcoming events.
Its also good to know that Im not alone on being afraid.
You’re welcome!
Margot Vegt
HI Glenn
I am so thankful to have stumbled upon your website. I have been diagnosed with vestibular neuritis/labyrintuitive but so much of what you are writing about applies to me. I find your sharing to be very truthful and realistic but also encouragin and helpful. I struggle with fear every day and it is comforting to know that I am not alone or weak or crazy. I have been a strong, capable woman before the onset of this condition last November. Now I am quite vulnerable and not able to do many things as before. Quite humbling and I tend to feel some shame about my current lack of ability.
I live in British Columbia Canada and wonder if you are aware of support groups close to where I live. It would be good for me, I believe.
Anyways, thanks for all you give Glenn. It means a lot
Hi Margot, I don’t know of any support groups in BC, but there are a ton of them online that you can participate in. If you search on facebook for a condition, you’ll find tons of facebook support groups for that condition. But this one is a great starting point: Vestibular Disorders Support Group –