Erase Meniere’s Symptoms with a Temporary Lifestyle Cleanse
Living with Meniere’s disease is not easy.
When the symptoms are at their worst, it’s debilitating. But even if you can get the vertigo under control, you still have to contend with the Tinnitus, brain fog, fatigue, and hearing loss.
And through it all, there’s the fear. When so much can go wrong at any moment, it’s impossible to avoid feeling anxious. I know how hard it can be.
But I also know that there is a path through the challenges ahead. You do not have to resign in defeat. The way forward is one of action, learning, and growth.
After years of trial and error, suffering and pain, I was able to improve my Meniere’s symptoms and rebuild the life I thought I left behind.
This post is an overview of the strategies and lifestyle changes that got me back on my feet.
As you set out on your journey I want you to know that there is so much hope and you are not alone. Meniere’s disease will not define you.
Find the Right Doctor:
Finding the right doctor is one of the most important things you can do when you have Meniere’s disease. Most doctors try to help, but I’ve found that the wrong doctor can make everything so much worse. My first doctor refused to answer my questions or even explain the diagnosis. He dropped the bomb and left me to fend for myself. The following weeks were difficult. I thought my life was over.
But my second doctor changed everything. He was optimistic, positive, and gave me hope. I had no idea there was hope. He painted a picture of a world where I could be okay, and as a result, I eventually was. Without question, he saved me.
The type of specialist you should see is called a Neurotologist. They are Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctors who have subspecialized in treating balance and hearing disorders. They will typically have more experience treating Meniere’s disease and other vestibular disorders. You can find a highly rated local Neurotologist by searching on Health Grades, a leading doctor rating website.
When I was first diagnosed, the prospect of living a life of continuous suffering was too much to bear. I was terrified, and my first doctor only fueled the fire. As soon as I got home, I spent hours on the computer Googling Meniere’s disease. But reading all the terrifying reports of suffering only made me feel worse.
There is not nearly enough positive information about Meniere’s disease available to those in need. If all you know is hopelessness and despair, you will never get a chance to recover.
Follow this simple rule: if whatever you’re reading doesn’t leave you with a sense of optimism, it’s possibly doing you more harm than good.
Face your Meniere’s with courage and make the decision to do what’s necessary to fight for your health.
Personal Support Network:
Before I go any further, I want to shine a light on what will most likely be a big factor in your recovery: everyone else. Having a strong support network will be crucial to your treatment. But it can get complicated.
For starters, most people have never heard of Meniere’s disease. By most estimates, it only affects about 0.2% of the US population. There is a good chance that the people closest to you have never heard of Meniere’s disease and could have a hard time understanding what you’re going through.
(If you find this to be the case, I encourage you to read and share this post I wrote to help explain Meniere’s disease to our friends and family)
People may also underestimate the severity of your symptoms. This can be incredibly frustrating. Having clear communication with your family, friends, and colleagues, is important, especially when you are suffering.
Expect to have to explain yourself to others more often than you would like, or should have to for that matter. But have patience with those closest to you. It’s worth the effort.
Lifestyle Management:
Make no mistake about it; change is hard, even on a temporary basis. But it’s not as hard as permanently changing everything all at once, which is what most patients believe is required. I certainly did. A temporary change is a much easier pill to swallow.
At this stage, the goal is to try to get your symptoms under control. Whether you realize it or not, your symptoms are often triggered by something external in your environment. The specific triggers can vary from person to person, though, some of them are quite common.
“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle. Some things are within your control. And some things are not.” – Epictetus
You may not be able to change the fact that you have Meniere’s disease, but you are not powerless. Focus your efforts on the things you can change.
In my opinion, the best strategy is:
- Remove all common Meniere’s disease triggers in a sweeping but temporary lifestyle cleanse.
- Improve your general health to give your body the best possible chance at fighting Meniere’s disease. If you are unhealthy, your body’s resources will be used elsewhere.
- Identify your personal, unique Meniere’s disease triggers, and avoid them.
- Discover what makes you feel better, and add more of it into your life.
Temporary Lifestyle Cleanse:
Your first and top priority should be getting your symptoms to a more manageable level. Not only will you start to feel better, but I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to identify your triggers once your symptoms have improved. With this in mind, the best strategy is to temporarily eliminate all of the common triggers of Meniere’s disease. Once you get a better idea of your personal triggers, you can slowly reintroduce the the things that aren’t affecting you.
Also, keep in mind that your body and brain will adapt to the illness over time. You will find that your limitations will change. If you end up having to give up something you enjoy, there is no reason to assume it will be forever.
This process will take time, and the longer you wait to begin, the longer it will take to improve. It’s like a trip into the forest. The further in you’ve gone, the longer it takes to get out.
On a temporary basis, make the following changes until your symptoms start to improve:
- Take all prescribed medication
- Changes to your diet:
- Reduce your sodium intake down to 1500-2000mg per day. Try to spread it out over the course of your day as well.
- Read the FDA nutrition labels for sodium content on the back of products at the grocery store before you buy anything.
- Avoid heavily processed foods and ingredients. Canned foods and frozen meals tend to have high sodium content.
- For snack foods, go to premium grocery stores such as Wholefoods and find snacks that have 50mg or less of sodium. Fruits and vegetables are always good choices as well. Snacking was the hardest obstacle for me early on. Finding snacks that I could eat without worrying made a big difference.
- At restaurants, ask the waiter if the chef can prepare your meal without salt. Be clear that you have a medical condition. Your choices may be restricted, but there should always be options. Salads are a good fall back choice but make sure to use olive oil and balsamic vinegar as the dressing.
- Work towards eating healthy
- When possible buy fresh organic fruits and vegetables.
- Grass-fed beef, pastured pigs and pastured chickens (and eggs) are a much healthier choice for meats.
- Local farmer’s markets and green markets are great places to find fresh and healthy foods.
- Watch your sugar intake. It seems like food manufacturers are putting sugar in everything these days. It’s okay to indulge, just practice moderation.
- Overeating causes stress to your body. Eat slowly, take smaller portions, and stop eating when you feel full. Make sure to eat a balanced diet.
- Reduce your sodium intake down to 1500-2000mg per day. Try to spread it out over the course of your day as well.
- Temporarily stop consuming the following substances:
- Caffeine – You may come to find that you can tolerate a cup of coffee when your symptoms aren’t flaring up, but avoid it for now.
- Alcohol
- Tobacco and Nicotine – As a former smoker, I know how hard this is. I was able to quit with Nicotine gum. The gum gets rid of the cravings, but it’s hard to actually chew it when what you really want is a cigarette. Tell yourself that if the gum doesn’t help within 10 minutes, you will smoke. It always helps.
- Recreational drugs
- Mental Well-being and Stress:
- Chronic stress has a profound negative effect on health. Make a conscious effort to eliminate highly stressful activities from your daily routine.
- Start a simple daily meditation practice:
- Meditation is the most powerful tool I know of for reducing stress and anxiety. Simply defined, meditation is a mental exercise that trains you to control your thoughts and quiet your mind.
- If you are a beginner, try the following technique:
- Set a timer for 5-10 minutes. You can increase the time once it becomes a habit.
- Sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes.
- Breathe deeply and slowly into your diaphragm (your lower abdomen).
- Focus your attention on your stomach. Feel the muscles move as you breathe in and out. When you catch your mind wandering, and it will gently bring your attention back to your stomach. Catching yourself and starting again is the actual practice. It’s not a sign of failure.
- If possible, find a therapist or support group. Meniere’s disease can be quite traumatic. Having a therapist or support group to help you work through this can be immensely helpful. It was for me. Click here to learn more and see a list of online support groups.
- Exercise:
- Immediately start exercising daily. Even walking for 10-20 minutes each day is better than nothing. Exercising will have a powerful multiplying effect on the rest of your efforts. It will improve your sleep, reduce your stress, and increase your health and energy levels. Use stationary equipment, like a treadmill or stationary bike, when first starting out.
- Sleep:
- Getting good sleep is absolutely crucial to your recovery. Without it, your body will not have the energy and resources it needs to heal.
- Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
- Avoid backlit screens (phones, TV, laptops, tablets) for at least 60 minutes before bedtime. Otherwise use a blue light filtering app or get a pair of blue light blocking glasses.
- Make sure your bedroom is pitch back and a comfortable temperature. Research shows that we get the best sleep when we are warm under our covers with the room between 62 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Both will improve sleep quality.
- Perform a mind dump – Before you lie down, take a minute to write down anything and everything on your mind. It will make it much easier to fall asleep.
- Tinnitus can make it hard to fall asleep. Use a white noise machine or Bluetooth speaker connected to a white noise app on your cell phone to help drown out the ringing.
- Allergies:
- Allergies are a major trigger for Meniere’s symptoms. I’ve also found Meniere’s disease can make your allergies and sensitivities worse.
- Whenever possible, avoid anything you are allergic to. If you are allergic to something in your environment that you can’t avoid, like pollen, a daytime antihistamine like Cetirizine (Zyrtec) can help.
- Avoid even minor food allergies and sensitivities. I find that I get heavy brain fog and a runny nose when I don’t.
Make Your Changes Stick with a Fixed Daily Routine:
Making all these changes at once, even temporarily, is overwhelming. The only way I was able to make it work was by following a daily routine. Having a routine automates many of the decisions you have to make on daily basis. It can also provide you with a much-needed sense of stability.
Structure each day as much as possible. Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day, even on the weekends. Eat your meals and snacks at the same time. Exercise, meditate, work, and relax at the same times every day. Incorporate all of the recurring parts of your day into your routine.
I can’t stress how powerful this is. The structure will help you keep moving forward in the right direction. By eliminating the need to make small decisions throughout the day, you will have more will power available to make bigger decisions. This practice was crucial to my recovery.
Journaling – Your Secret Weapon Against Meniere’s Disease:
Journaling is the final piece of the puzzle. It will help you identify the specific things that are triggering your symptoms. Remember, everyone experiences Meniere’s disease differently. There’s a good chance that some of the things that trigger other people, won’t trigger you at all, or vice-versa.
It’s also nearly impossible to figure it out without the right approach. If your symptoms flare up at 3 pm because of something you ate for breakfast, you aren’t automatically going to make that connection. And that’s just one example. This sort of missed association happens all the time. Most people are just not very good at making these connections naturally.
But when we have the right information in front of us, we’re actually very good at finding patterns. And keeping a daily journal will quickly give you the information you need to identify your triggers. So to make it easy for you, I created a free one-page journal tool to help you keep track of the right information. And all you have to do is fill one out each day.
To find your triggers, compare your notes on the days that your symptoms were at their worst. To identify what is helping you to feel better, compare the good days. It’s much easier to find the patterns when you have the right data in front of you!
I wish you the best of luck! Be patient with yourself, stay positive, and remember that there is so much hope. Meniere’s disease cannot and will not ever be bigger than your dreams.
For more information:
My official book: Mind Over Meniere’s – How I Conquered Meniere’s disease and Learned to Thrive
Fiona McKinna
Great advice, especially the lifestyle changes. I have had Meniere’s Disease for a year and I started a complete cleanse a few months ago and found that cutting out caffeine and reducing sugar has had the most effect. Tiredness is something that seems to be a trigger for most Meniere’s sufferers.
Sharron Horton
I didn’t think about sugar being a trigger. Thanks!
You’re welcome! It’s not for everyone, but it is for some, so it’s worth paying attention to.
Hi Glenn, First time on your blog. I hope I did the correctly. Is the the right place to ask you a question?
Hi Dave, you can as a question here, but feel free to email me directly at with questions!
Are you able to work with Menieres ?
SF Greenberg
Find a physician that prescribes Betahistine, the drug of choice for Meziere’s in Europe and outside of the States. The House Clinic in Los Angeles does a great job with Meziere’s. I have been symptom free for almost a year – the drug takes time to work, but once it does you will be amazed. All the other life style choices help, especially no caffeine, salt or sugar, but Betahistine is amazing. If you are in Europe buy it in any pharmacy as the cost is one quarter of the price here.
Veronica Morua
SF Greenberg
Who is your doctor at the LA House clinic ?
SF Greenberg
Who is your physician at The house clinic
What symptoms were you having before taking the Serc ?
Did you have side effects with the medication ?
How much do you take daily ?
Veronica Morua
Did you have side effects with the medication?
Head aches and etc ?
can you tell me the dose you take
Suzanne Meiklejohn
I have just been diagnosed with this two days ago. But have lost track of how long I have been suffering. I am always dizzy and find it hard to walk straights. It is very mentally draining. This is the first thing that I have read that is positive. Thank you.
You’re welcome Suzanne! I know how frustrating and difficult it all can be, but there really is hope! If you haven’t seen it already, I encourage you to read this post (as well as all the posts it links to): – it’s everything I wish I knew when I was first diagnosed!
Michelle Hilliard
I agree its so great tor ead something positive!!1
Thanks Fiona and I’m glad to hear you are having success with your symptoms! In a future post I plan to explore alternatives to caffeine for energy. Ive also been working on a post that covers some really effective techniques for dealing with brain fog.
Wil Sanders
Glenn, cannot seem to find where to leave a comment, so I am just jumping in here. My Meniere’s got so bad that I was chair-bound for about 3 weeks, unable to stand or go to the bathroom without help from my husband. Fortunately, I ran across IEB9 (Inner Ear Balance 9) from It saved my life. Within 2 days The vertigo was gone. Because it cost $120 a month, how decided it might be just as well for me to do some research and mix those nine herbs myself. That is what I ended up doing and for well over a year it has kept me in good stead. Lately I am having problems again. In fact, while reading your website I went into full-blown vertigo. Something you said prompted me to realize the light from my phone is now throwing me into vertigo. We are on our way to the store to get sunglasses to mitigate this problem. Thank you for the advice. Obviously we each have a story to tell, and obviously each of us has found something that works for us.
When we have the available funds, I am likely to go to Colorado to an oral surgeon who claims Ménière’s disease does not even exist. He claims it’s most likely TMJD. Sent to my job pops every time just before I go into vertigo, I suspect he is right – – at least for me.
Great article, i will bookmark this for future reference.. Going to start with a caffeine / sugar free cleanse.. See if this will help me
Good suggestions. I have been able to deal with my symptoms more since accepting this disease, but have not been able to control them or be symptom free. Even chewing can cause an episode. As a woman, hormonal changes play a huge role in my flares. It would be hard to address this here. Thanks for the tips.
I’m new to this world of Meniere’s Disease (unfortunately!), having just started having the symptoms 7 months ago. Now that they’re coming more often, I’ve been doing a lot of googling and was glad to find your blog. In trying to find my triggers I have eliminated caffeine & most sodium; I already eat a healthy diet, mostly Paleo, no processed foods. One thing that seems to set up attacks is sounds–lots of talking in a small room, attending a musical performance (even when wearing an earplug), playing my folk harp (which rests right beside my bad ear.) It seems to be specific tones; the “banging” of dishes in my kitchen feels like it vibrates my whole head. Any experience or suggestions for this? Thanks for all your good info!
Hi Nancy, I’m sorry to hear you have Meniere’s disease but glad to hear how proactive you have been! Loud noise and noisy environments are not a trigger for me but when my symptoms are acting up I tend to get very sensitive to both. When it happens, it can be hard to focus and overwhelms me quickly. One thing to try is something called musicians ear plugs. They are ear plugs that lower the decibel volume of your environment but don’t muffle the sounds. You can find many different brands on but these are the ones I use. At the very least they should help you when playing your folk harp.
Maureen Jones
I went thru a time when I was in an audience and someone was on the microphone and it was excruciating and the sound wa so loud and distorted. Thankfully that got better. It happened for a while though
That sounds like Hyperacusis, or extreme sensitivity to sound, which is very common with Meniere’s disease.
I kind of take offense to the title of this article. Erase your Meniere’s Symptoms? Ummmm….I don’t think so.
I do everything listed on this page. I still have very severe symptoms.
I wouldn’t mind if you said that these may help erase some people’s symptoms, or ease symptoms…but Erase? no way.
I’ve had Meniere’s for years and years. It was unilateral for a long time…suddenly it went bilateral in 2008, in 2012 I was getting my first cochlear implant, the next year I got my second. My doctor at Duke was shocked it had progressed so fast. I still have vertigo, often. I will have, what I call, times of remission; then I will have weeks or months of daily attacks. They used to stop these attacks with prednisone. Other doctors also gave me steroids to help with conditions (migraines spells and asthma) I got Avascular Necrosis in my hip…that means my bone was dying, and I had to have my hip replaced in April, at 51.
My cochlear implants don’t help with the hearing fluctuations. My audiologist just wrote a paper on this about how some people who still have recurring vertigo from Meniere’s still have this problem.
Don’t get me wrong, I think all of your suggestions can be very helpful. But to say they will Erase your symptoms is giving false information.
I admit I have other Chronic Illnesses but none that affect me like Meniere’s does.
Since I have gone bilateral, I have also developed BPPV that crops up now and then. I also have vestibular migraines.
I hope you understand why I feel the way I do about the title of this article.
Hi Wendy, I completely understand where you are coming from and I’m sorry to have offended you with the title. This was one of the very first articles I wrote for the blog. I didn’t mean for it to come across as being the end all be all for treating Meniere’s. It was intended to be a basic primer on the lifestyle changes that can be helpful. I wasn’t trying to suggest if you do these things it will all go away. Using the word “erase” was probably the wrong choice. But I think a lot of these changes can be helpful for a lot of people, and I think my thought process at the time was to make a more compelling title to be able to possibly reach more people. I definitely wasn’t trying to offend anyone, but you aren’t the first person to express this sentiment either. I hope my answer makes sense. I changed the way I choose titles and my approach to writing after this article. Your point is well taken.
Thank you Glenn for you acknowledgement and explanation.
It is a good primer on the lifestyle changes that can help.
You did a very good job in the article with that in mind.
again, thanks for explaining, and your sensitivity to the matter.
gail crowder
One thing I have not seen in your articles is information about a Blair Chiropracter. I traveled 250 miles roundtrip to go to one, but it was well worth it. I started out going twice a week, and now go only once a month. It totally took away all my symptoms except for the clogged ear feeling, and that comes and goes. I missed one appointment early on because it was zero out and our furnace went out. That’s when I realized how bad Menieres could get. Check online to find if there’s a Blair Chiropracter close to you. There’s only about thirty in the whole USA.
Hey Gail, I’ve mentioned it before, but it also features prominently in a post I’m working on right now that will feature a list of all known meniere’s disease treatments with explanations and links for more information!
I agree Wendy. I have had menieres for 15 years. Nothing could help or prevent an attack. Seems like the attacks had to “run their course”. I am completely deaf in the right ear and profound HOH if the left. Will get a cochlear implant in October. Best wishes to all.
Patricia Eastwood
Totally understand Wendy. Menieres is a phenomena, which shows up in different ways for most of us. I have been off caffeine, sugar, etc. for years. These, to name just a few, cause many physical maladies. I am a seasoned so-called Meniere’s sufferer. This is what I found worked for me (even though the nature of the symptoms, for me, has changed drastically over the years). Acupuncture was a major breakthrough for me. It’s costly, but worked. During the sessions, we discovered I also had sinus issues and BPV (benign positional vertigo). The last symptom, I recognized myself while lying in bed watching TV). Now, I keep myself physically fit, with daily walks, good posture, and a clean diet, (little or no starch, sugar of “chemically-contaminated” grocery store foods). P.S.: I turned 70 yo this year! Good luck everyone! DO take-up a good meditation regimen, it works for all life’s “ills”…I guarantee you! I’ve been doing this since the 1980s (when it wasn’t en vogue). It has changed my life, in other ways, always.
Thanks for the tips Patricia! And I couldnt agree more about meditation. It changed my life for the better more than any other one thing I’ve ever come across. I used to have terrible anxiety and panic attacks. Meditation completely reversed my anxiety.
Dizzy Chick
Patricia, like you I don’t eat caffeine, sugar…ect. I have a clean diet that I monitor closely. I exercise as much as I can. I do my vestibular rehab exercises regularly. I have a meditation program and try to live each day as mindfully as possible. Yes, these things help my life, but I still have very severe symptoms from Meniere’s. I’ve completely lost my hearing and have cochlear implants. I still have vertigo on a very regular basis. I’m not saying the things won’t help most people, but for some, like me, we are in that very rare percentile that do not respond to treatments. My only problem with this is making it sound like if you do these things you will get better. Not necessarily. By wording it this way it makes people who don’t get better feel it is their fault. If I only watched my diet more, or exercised more….then I wouldn’t be like this. That is simply not true. I’m glad things are working for you.
Hi Wendy, I appreciate your reply. When I had first published this post over a year ago, it was one of the very first things I had written. I know the title is worded strongly and not the best choice. I don’t know if you reread the post, but I recently updated it and tried to tone down the language. I made the decision not to change the title, but only because it would cause some issues in the page ranking of the post, but I still may do that. My goal in writing this was only to provide a primer on the lifestyle changes that are known to help with Meniere’s symptoms. Never in a million years would I want to make someone feel as though this illness is their fault. I think (I hope) that my writing (and title choosing) has improved since publishing this post over a year ago, at least in this regard. I’m sorry to hear you are still struggling so much Wend, but keep up the great work with your blog!
Hi Wendy, There is something I did not understand. Is there any relation between the Avascular Necrosis in your hip and Menier’s I ask you that because I also got a necrosis in my left hip and Menier’s which I am leading from 15 years.
Hi Victor,
No there shouldn’t be a connection.
However, we are often given steroids to help with Meniere’s, and steroids can cause osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis AVN).
They think that may be what caused mine, but they can’t be sure.
You are the only other person I’ve met with both Meniere’s and AVN.
I’m sorry you must go through this.
Are you getting a hip replacement?
I would love to hear your experience with cochlear implants, Wendy. How is the hearing with them? I also have bilateral meniere’s or autoimmune. My hearing is so bad right now in a bad flare.
Patricia Eastwoood
Hi all! I’m an oldie, long-time sufferer of Meniere’s. I gave up some of my ambitions and studies because it affected my life so much, and in so many ways. These days (69 yo) I try to manage a small bit of work at home, which pays peanuts, and try to manage a property I rent out in Italy. Sounds glamorous, or that I am extremely rich – not so, I got a little inheritance when I was 60. My life before this was struggling to raise 2 children on my own. As I said, I lost many opportunities due to my Meniere’s (including total loss of hearing on the right). When my brain fog sets in, I try to carry on, by my thoughts, my memory is affected. I forget important things (no it ain’t Alzheimer’s etc) and so make mistakes. Last year, I tried acupuncture with a Chinese doctor. We decided that, yes, I also now have BPV (benign positional vertigo) as well, and sinuses issues, so yes, I am probably allergic to seasonal allergens (that seemed the least of my worries, so I never really addressed that). In retrospect, I believe I have been in hiding since I became a 35-year-old sole parent without child support. I just HAD to get on with things, and I believe I did so, in some ways, to hide the fact that I had Meniere’s. Few people ever understood why it happened to me, and it was infuriating when good friend, or acquaintances suggested I was “stressed” or that the weather was probably affecting me. Yes, the latter is likely true, but it’s still hard when no one seems to be there for you, or can be at those time, and no one knows or understands why you feel isolated and fearful. I always thrived on stress, never backed away from it. It is something in me. In summary, I have gone through all the changes of this awkward disease. For a couple of years, it seemed to go “on holiday”, It returned with a vengeance, like a sneaky predator, with a different modus operandi – it was as though a WWW wrestler just picked me up and slammed me on the ground! This happened to me in Sicily last year. As I was floating through the air, as if in a dream, I could do nothing to protect myself, and thought “this is the end”. Well, I did survive, after all. My face had smashed on the ancient ground of Agrigento and my forehead was spouting blood everywhere. I could not get up (though spectators expect me to, wanting to help). As usual with MD, I just wanted to “stay put” until the episode passed. They didn’t understand. And, what I didn’t realize was that I had actually broken my ankle in 2 places as well. I, by no means want to scare anyone here, only to share my experience, in a hope that it will help, or educate. It is good to see that, finally, medical science is taking a greater interest in Meniere’s (there is a symposium in Rome in October 2015 on the topic). In the meantime, I am going to give the SPC flakes a try, see how it works. I will report back!
Hi Patricia, thank you for sharing your experience and definitely report back after you try the SPC Flakes! I hope they help you. I know how hard it can be when no one understands, especially our friends and family. I hope you are feeling somewhat better now then you have in the past. Stay in touch!
I wish your blog post was available in 2011 when I was diagnosed. Thanks for this great resource. All the best with your book.
Your welcome Cara and thank you too!
Thank you so much for this blog Glenn. I also just ordered your book. It is great to have a place to go that gives me hope. I was diagnosed with MD, but I have yet to experience any vertigo. Very grateful for this and trying everything possible to avoid it. I have has24/7 tinnitus and fullness for almost a year. With very up and down levels of annoyance. I also have hearing loss and get slightly dizzy, sort of drunk feeling at times. Trying to pinpoint the triggers is a bit frustrating, but I’m going to keep it up! One thing that definitely effects me is my stress level. If I get stressed I can here the noise in my ears get louder on the spot. Thanks again for helping to keep me positive. Can’t wait for your book to arrive.
Hi Deb, thank you so much for ordering my book and for the kind words! I know that pinpointing the triggers can be hard but don’t give up! Eventually it will become clear. If you haven’t already, check out the symptom trigger tool I created: It will help you keep track of everything to find the patterns. I hope you enjoy the book!
Deb, I have the same symptoms. I would love to know how you are doing and if you found anything that worked for you?
2000mg of sodium is near the max recommended for a healthy person, for many people with MD it is crucial to have less than 1000 mg, or for some less than 500mg. For a majority of people Drs see that is all that is needed to be done to get good control.
Hi Doug, While 2000mg a day is near the recommended daily max for a healthy person, most people tend to consume FAR more than this on a daily basis. It can be hard to drop lower than that all at once, so just getting down to 1500-2000mg is enough to make a difference especially if you space it evenly throughout the day and drink plenty of water to keep the concentrations low. Also less than 500mg daily sodium would be a dangerously low amount. We need some sodium to stay alive. While it may be less than 500mg that we actually need for life, it’s a dangerously low amount. I agree that some people may need closer to 1000mg or less but I would not feel comfortable recommending such a thing. If your doctor recommends it thats one thing, but I felt it was better to recommend a slightly higher amount as a starting point. I hope that makes sense.
Yes, Glen we need some sodium to stay alive, but if you eat meat and dairy products, you should get enough sodium from what is naturally in food. If you have are healthy properly functioning regulation system you don’t need added salt in food and you will have aldosterone levels at what nature intended and what the body evolved to have over millions or years. The Body doesn’t need more 300mg of sodium, more than that is excreted. Aldosterone levels dictate how much sodium is absorbed not the amount of salt you ingest, the less sodium you eat, the more is absorbed because more aldosterone is produced which enables sodium to be absorbed. It was discussed on a forum where many of us who reduced sodium intake below 500mg found our blood sodium levels went from being low to mid range of normal. Also studies have been done on some tribes of people on why they where so very healthy and strong at old age, what they found was they had a diet of less than 300mg/day of sodium. I think you should feel uncomfortable suggesting intakes of sodium, 2 or 3 times what Drs recommend for MD patients, and what is recognized as the most important, effective and successful management strategy. Sorry, Glen but it has to be said that I think suggesting that much sodium is irresponsible because of the detrimental, debilitating and massive negative affect on some peoples quality of life it can have. Besides when you eat that much sodium it is hard to discern how much sodium is in food and it is hard to tell if the food you are eating has too much salt and wether you should be eating it. 460 mg is considered an adequate sodium intake.
Doug, I understand what you are saying, but I kindly disagree. First and foremost, some of the most respected Neurotologists in the US make a similar recommendation to mine. Dr. Timothy Hain at the Chicago Dizziness and Hearing institute recommends 2000mg a day to patients as part of his hydrops diet for Meniere’s disease ( He stresses the importance of consistency and explains that it’s fluctuations in daily intake that often cause problems. Also keep in mind, your level of hydration plays a role as well. Concentration is important. If you are drinking a lot of water, you will have a lower concentration. As far as your recommendation, you are making the assumption that everyone will eat meat and dairy products which is absolutely not the case. I eat meat but very few dairy products. Many of my readers are vegans or vegetarians as well.
Have you got anywhere with Dr Hain my mom is going to him and we are going in circles. She doesn’t leave her bed.
Thank you so much for these posts. Recently diagnosed, about 5 months ago. Been pretty tough and after getting more and more depressed with all the things I read online, it’s a breath of fresh air to read something with a positive outlook. Some great tips and practical advice here. I recently started my cleanse and I’m using your tracking tool, so hopefully I can start seeing a pattern somewhere in all the madness. Even if not, at least I’ll be healthier in general so win-win. 🙂 Again, thanks for the encouragement and keep up the good work.
Your welcome! And thank you for the kind words. I’m always around if you ever have any questions.
Donna Parry
Hi Glenn,
I am so glad I found your blog. If anything it’s nice to know I’m not alone in my suffering. I have suffered with severe vertigo, nausea and lightheadedness for 6 years now. I tried unsuccessfully in the beginning to get a diagnosis but here in Australia we are behind the US when it comes knowledge of the brain and these types of problems. It’s only recently after a bad vertigo attack when my son was admitted to ICU I realised I needed to get a diagnosis so I could control my symptoms. My quality of life for the last 4 months has pretty much been nil but I haven’t given up. Unfortunately I suffer many chronic illnesses which is making it difficult for my Dr to treat me. I have started Hygroton to help reduce fluid build up and also Serc but for some reason it seems to make my vertigo and brain fog worse. I downloaded your free tool and am hoping I find a trigger. So far the only triggers I have found are being stressed and too much sensory input. Just a question is feeling dizzy on and off all day due to menieres? I seem to have full blown attacks but in the following months I’m left with dizziness, brain fog, nausea and a feeling of imbalance especially if I’ve had to go shopping or spend time around family where lots of talking is going on. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Veronica Legacy
My Menieres started when I was 18 & I am now 70. At first the Drs. could not identify this desease. Over the years I suffered many violent attacks. Through the years I would get months of no attacks but it would always come back leaving me very ill & defeated. My doctor did several genimisin treatments which has taken all my hearing in my right ear. Unfortunately , I have bilateral Ménière’s disease. I try to stay positive but as I write this I am suffering with an attack. Hopefully, more research will be done as this silent disease is recognized .
Hi Veronica. 52 years is such a long time to suffer with this terrible disease. But there is new researching happening all the time now. Next week, I will be publishing an article on one such new research effort that needs the help of the Meniere’s community!
This certainly does work! Last year this time I could barely hold my head up. This year I competing in obstacle courses!
That’s great, I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better Pam!
Hi Pam. What are you taking?
Great resource! Made me realize I might need to cut back on my sugar intake and be more consistent with meditation.
Hi I’m 57 and have suffered from md with no vertigo for the Last 15 years. I have severe tinnitus and hyperacissis in my right ear and deaf in my left ear from childhood. I have followed every single suggestion in this article and still have no relief.
From 2013 to 2014 I had a very bad tinnitus/hyperacusis attack that lasted 10 months. My mother had a stroke and I was taking care of her at the hospital during that time. Doing my research I found supplements for tinnitus that helped together with a diuretic . I went into a kind of remission from Oct 2014 through January 2016. I am now going through a very tough time. It has come back with a vengeance. The noises have subsided somewhat but the hyperacusis is awful and hearing is muffled and pressure in the ear is unbareable.
I’m very depressed and going through major anxiety. Haven’t been going to work because impossible to function this way.
Please need help or any advise on relief
My mom was recently diagnosed and has found no relief. She is not able to do anything except stay in bed. The attacks are every day. They have her on a few meds but all that they are doing is putting her to sleep. She can not leave her house, stay sitting up long enough for a meal and bang another attack. She is on a very low sodium diet
Hi Debbie, I’m going to send you a reply by email.
Glen, Ive had the same effect since the Endolyphatic shunt surgery.
What else can I do to find relief ?
Hi Glenn and Debbie.
My husband has suffered since March 21st this year and was diagnosed just three days ago with all the test results. He was also having attacks everyday. He is very depressed. Hasn’t worked in two months. It has taken a toll on the whole family. He is such a happy, fun loving guy and it has been so debilitating and so hard to watch him go through this, it’s like he’s being tortured! Such a strong energetic guy. He’s been sleeping in the basement and needs darkness and lots of blankets. The attacks are everyday. He can’t move and we’ve had to feed him a few times. Gravol is his best friend. Need I go on?
His last attack was Saturday. I’m just waiting now to see when the next one will be. He is in construction which makes it even worse. If he had a desk job or, can work from home, things would be different!! It is his own company and he does have men working for him but, it’s not enough. He needs to be there and needs to work as well. Only thing grateful for is it hasn’t been that busy the last few months but, work is picking up again. My son has driven him a few days this week and he managed a few days. He comes home and says he is just dizzy for now. He has tinnitus which he only developed last year. Through this whole thing the last few months, the one big trigger he’s noticed is when the tinnitus gets really loud, that’s when he has an episode/attack.
Btw he has cut down on salt, caffeine and alcohol from day one, when I researched and diagnosed it myself.
The doctor gave him a diuretic for now. We will see how that works. Won’t know for a few weeks he said though.
We all need a miracle!!
I also heard it goes in stages. The beginning is worse. Can go into remission and gets better. Is this true? Is there really hope?
Hi Norine, I’m so sorry to hear how much your husband has been struggling! I can relate entirely. As far as stages, that’s true, but it doesn’t seem to be that way for everyone. A lot of people find ways to cope and manage their symptoms. When I was first diagnosed, my Neurotologist told me there was no reason to expect that I would not be able to improve my symptoms, or lose my hearing. I encourage you to have your husband read this article and start trying some of these lifestyle changes. It’s difficult but a lot of people do see improvements. It takes time, especially if his symptoms are really bad, but he should still stick with it. The healthier he can be the better. And while it can go into remission, it hasn’t for me, though I also haven’t had a vertigo attack in years. It takes a lot of hard work and discipline to manage my symptoms, but most of the time I feel pretty good! At the very least have him download my free symptom trigger tool ( and start filling one out each day. It will help him figure out what his triggers are. I’m not sure he’s right about Tinnitus being a trigger. Tinnitus is a symptom and will get worse when his other symptoms flare up. So when he has a vertigo attack, the Tinnitus spike and ear fullness are a part of it, rather than the trigger of it.
I hope some of these suggestions can help your husband! I encourage the two of you to read through some of the old posts I’ve written, and possibly even my book as well. And if you ever have any questions, feel free to email me at
R. Anthony Steele
I’m listening to Sam Harris’ “Waking Up” which contains a lengthy entry on how to mindfully meditate. His podcast of the same name starts with two meditation episodes. Worth a listen if you find value in meditation.
I used to put myself in a mediative state while drafting, without realizing what I was doing.
It’s actually been on my reading list for a while now. Definitely plan to read it. I’ll have to check out his podcast as well. Dan Harris’s book 10% Happier is really good too. I read it recently.
Sharon Drew
Hi I can relate to all these comments I have been living with this condition for 8years . After a period of nine months I thought my life was over I struggled with Dr’s,ENT Specialist, I was given Gentermicin Injection where for three months I could not walk and could not move my head and sitting in a car was hell. After many hospital visits, one day I decided that I was not going to be defined by my illness, I was going to do everything possible to get my life back I did the rounds of Specialist again ( I live in Mackay Qld , and had to go to Brisbane I found a Dr who prescribed Cinnarizne, you can only buy it from America and NZ . That helped me to get back to work and releave symptons. Unfortunately I developed an allergic reaction and had to come off it. Then two days before a planned holiday a year and half ago it came back with a vengeance. I now, with great sorrow I had to give up work, but since I made that decision feel so much pressure has been taken off me stress , I found was a big trigger for me. I have started Yoga reduced salt, sugar diet. I now have given myself permission to focus on my health , I have learnt to say no, and try and not make to many plans. I have a supportive Partner and I have a daughter with a disability, she needs me to be well. I have been taking Serc, Diauretics, Ended, now I have just stared SPC flakes. I am not giving up.
David McAuliffe
This is a very informative and positive article so thank you for providing me with some hope. I have been suffering since July 2016 (so nearly 5 months) and have just had my case finally classified as Meniere’s. All I have been told about and read about is all the things I need to give up or reduce i.e. salt, alcohol, caffeine. Basically a lot of stuff I like! Anyway I am trying hard to get my head around this but what I was lacking was a sense of it getting better, i.e. the brighter side of life.
Hey David, I’m sorry to hear you’re diagnosis has been confirmed, but getting the diagnosis is definitely half the battle. And while many of the things you have to give up are things you like, you may discover that you can tolerate some of it in small amounts perfectly well later on. It’s a good idea to do a sweeping lifestyle change on a temporary basis, to eliminate as many common triggers as possible, but later on you can try reintroducing some of it with controlled tests. For example, I can tolerate a cup of coffee in the morning perfectly fine on most days. More than that and I’m risking trouble, but thats the kind of thing you can find out. I recommend grabbing a copy of my Symptom Trigger Tool if you haven’t already, and start keeping track of your diet/lifestyle/environment:
It will help you figure out what specifically is triggering you!
Best of luck David!
all very good thoughts to help avoid total panic , fear, and breakdown.
i had a endolymohatic sac decompression three years ago this month. it helped control vertigo along with salt reduction to 1000mg.
i now feel more edgy and fear it is coming back . how long does the surgery last for? does it ever burn out? does acupuncture work?
Thanks for the forum.
I’m not sure about the long term effects of the surgery Terry, but the disease can change over the years. Could the edginess you feel be stress related? Most people find increase in stress correlates to an increase in symptoms. Maybe someone else will comment on the long term effects of the surgery.
thanks , it could be partly due to increase stress . it is really hard to balance low sodium diet too and eat very few foods now . add early CHF and i don’t know which is causing symptoms. when you feel good it is wonderful but all this rain and snow this winter was hard on menieres people . magnesium seems to help .
I had endolyphatic shunt surgery on 10/24/2016 after a month of being diagnosed.
The surgery changed my life for the worse. What were your effects you had after the surgery ?
Ive tried the Menieres diet, migraine diet, the life style change and I continue to have minute, hourly and daily symptoms of Menieres. I have not returned to work, I dont drive and lost 40 lbs from nausea stomach etc. Any suggestions from Mind Over Menieres reader would be helpful. I started prednisone today. Im open to suggestions –
Any suggestions would be a blessing..
Have you tried Intratympanic steroid shots? Many people find them extremely beneficial and it’s a relatively low risk procedure. The only downside is that the relief doesn’t last as long as many would hope. Thats why companies like Otonomy are working to create a longer acting slow release injectable steroid for meniere;s patients.
I haven’t tried the steroid injections as of yet. Hopefully, that’s the next step of preventing treatment from my Dr at the House Clinic in LA. It’s been a challenging 5 months.
Cyndi K
I have bilateral Ménière’s disease, autoimmune inner ear disease, and Patulous Eustachian Tue dysfunction. I have been dealing with the debilitating affects for nearly 20 years.
It has been a challenge at best. I have symptoms 24×7. It never goes away. I have the roaring tinnitus, pain and pressure in both of my ears–the left being the worst.
I am in a constant state of dizziness and being off balance. It’s like when I move–everything moves.
I do have periods that are better than others. Spring is the absolute worst with all of the allergies.
If I watch my diet, I’m better. I haven’t had alcohol since I was first diagnosed as my ears are so bad. I also watch my salt. No products with msg or other preservatives, no products with vinegar, no processed meats, definitely watch my salt. No caffeine. Keep moving as much as possible. I know the thingyou want to do is sit or lie still, but moving helps the brain and eyes to try and keep up with the ears are doing.
I have found that chiropractic care and massage therapy help. It’s s full time job that is for sure.
Lastly…I remain in faith. God has been so good to me even through such debilitating disease.
Stay the course everyone. Blessings
Thank you for sharing this Cyndi!
I absolutely love your last statement.. remaining in FAITH
Has anyone tried ATLAS adjustments? It was the major game-changer for me. It is painless and I noticed results after my first appointment. Within a month the vertigo had completely stopped! Google “Meniere’s and atlas adjustments” if you’re inclined to read up on it, it truly has been life changing for me. Good luck and many blessings to everyone suffering from this cursed disease. It’s the worst.
Hi Joy. I’m glad to hear that upper cervical chiro was helpful for you! Though it seems to help most in cases of Meniere’s disease with a history of physical trauma, like a car accident or something similar.
Hi Glenn! Yes that’s why I mentioned it, I had noticed a few comments on symptoms beginning after they hit their head (which is a typical reason for an atlas to be knocked out). Oddly enough, I have never hit my head or been in a car accident, so I was leery that it would be effective for me. However as it turns out, poor posture pulled mine out over time. Mild scoliosis can do the same. In any case, it’s good to find relief! 🙂
joanne Kinleyside
Hi Glenn, thanks for your site, I was very relieved to come across some positive information on the net as everything is so terrifying when you do the research. I have Menieres without vertigo, that I have been suffering with for years now – I only get attacks every few months, so go months in between with no symptoms. The question that I have is that when I get these attacks of fullness, sensitivity to sound, ear pain, extremely loud deafening tinnitus, they seem to last for 3 weeks to a month before finally easing off. Is this normal for Menieres? The ent’s here don’t seem to know too much about the condition so they can’t really tell me too much. Thanks again for the positivity 🙂
Hi Joanne, hard to know for sure, but I do know that many people have had a similar experience with Meniere’s disease. Your best bet is to find a highly rated Nerotologist for a second opinion. They are ENT doctors who have subspecialized in treating balance and hearing disorders and have way more experience treating and diagnosing Meniere’s and other vestibular disorders. Here’s a good guide to finding one:
Hi Joanne, I have the same symptoms as you. Have you found anything that helps your symptoms?
joanne Kinleyside
sorry one more question – any recommendations around managing the sleep part of things with a new born? I am in the midst of an attack at the moment whilst looking after my 10 week old! Living hell is an understatement hahaha! I guess all you can do is laugh!
Not so sure about managing sleep with a newborn (something I’m actually dreading as my wife and I plan to have kids) but I do have advice on managing sleep in general:
Coping skills ?
Steve Cornish
Glenn, thank you for being such an inspiration. I’ve had Meniere’s for over a year now with only a two episodes, however the last few weeks they have been nearly every other day, weirdly starting a week after my fantastic wedding. Anyways PMA is where my head is at even though I’m slightly spinning typing this. Thank you so much for your continued info and support. I look forward to reading your book next.
I appreciate the kind words Steve. I hope you’re able to quickly manage your symptoms, and if you ever have any questions, I’m always around:
Hi Glen, my name is David and I’ve had Meniere’s since 2008. I agree with quite a bit of your advice, but you didn’t mention one the most important factors to help conquer the horrible symptoms associated with Meniere’s… High-end nutritional supplements. Yep.
Like you, I’ve done extensive research and found the medical community (doctors) knew very little about Meniere’s and really didn’t have much to offer to help elinate the symptoms. Most doctors know very little about nutrition and nutritional supplements. They are trained to treat the symptoms with drugs. Most docs prescribe way too many drugs which in many cases can compromise your health even more. Don’t get me wrong, there are certain medications that are absolutely necessary. I am an insulin dependent diabetic, so I take insulin. Other than that, I take zero prescription medications/drugs.
Ménière’s is auto immune disease. When your immune system is compromised, it opens the door to many problems including disease. Every drug that you take, further compromises your immune system. This is why most people with Meniere’s will see little progress by taking drugs to lesson the symptoms. There are drugs that are absolutely necessary to take, but most doctors look to drugs to be the answer for every ailment before even considering lifestyle, diet and nutritional supplements.
I’ve been able to improve my Meniere’s symptoms by about 90% by “rebuilding” my immune system with very high end nutritional supplements. I’m not talking about taking a “One a Day” or buying them at Costco. Not all nutritional supplements are created equal. Some do almost nothing, but a very high end Multivitamin along with other specific vitamins, minerals and herbs can help your overall health immensely, and make all the difference when dealing with Meniere’s symptoms.
The foundation to conquering Meniere’s symptoms starts with living a healthy lifestyle and taking a very high end Multivitamin. There are other supplements that help with specific Meniere’s symptoms as well, such as Gingko for brain fog, Bio and lipoflavonoids for tinitus and fullness in the ear.
I am 53 years old, live a very healthy lifestyle including working out 5 days per week and am active on the weekends. My diet is very clean and I take a lot of nutritional supplements. My sodium intake has always been on the lower side, but never below 2000 mg. I’ve all but eliminated most of my Meniere’s symptom for the past 9 years.
Do your own reasearch on nutritional supplements. I take ProThera Multithera One, ProThera Gingko and ProThera Theroflavone for my Meniere’s. Through my extensive research, Ive found Prothera to be the best bang for the buck. You’ll be hard pressed to find another supplement company that is as potent, complete, and pure.
I hope this helps you and others conquer the symptoms brought on from Meniere’s!
Jody Rao
David- fabulous post! Very inspirational, I’m trying to get back to my usual 5x weekly workouts and my ENT was adamant that I take vitamins. I’m going to order the ones you take. Diagnosed a month ago I immediately went to lo so clean eating (no caffeine, little sugar, no alcohol, very little processed foods). I have very bad tinnitus which constantly reminds me I have a md and huge anxiety for which I finally relented and occasionally take half a .25 Xanax, hate taking it but it makes a huge difference when I become non- functional. Love your post and seeing another person works no out and doing ok! I need to get back to it!
David what a positive post,I am a suffer and have been for 10 years I take centrum silver vitamins which is a multi vitamin!
What is dosage of vitamins you take?
Maria Sandler
Hi David, My name is Maria. Can you give me the list of supplements you are taking for your Ménière’s disease and the strength along with the dosage and how often. Also where you purchased them at. My email is
I have suffered for nearly three years with Meniers had to quit work and my wife still doesn’t get it. I will be suffering a major attack and she will ask me if maybe I should use the time to change the wheel bearings in the car or some other morale obliterating request,that sends me into a tailspin of vertigo and nausea and she thinks I can “just push through it” showing she has no clue of the extent of my suffering . Now; her very presence in the room can trigger a stress induced vertigo attack. She is complaining that she needs quality time away from me books her vacations without me and acts
like she is the victim of my poor behavior when I “claim to be suffering” . It is insult to injury This is NOT my fault, and if I have to leave my wife to get better I will . Honestly it is the only remedy I havn’t tried yet . So sad and lonely , I don’t want to lose her but do I really need to be with a woman who insists on letting our large dog live in our house knowing I am very allergic to dogs? I deserve better than this .I am 56 and supported my family through 30+ years of self employment and now this? I can’t fathom the thought of living my last years like this.If I can’t beat this disease it is going to cost me my wife or my life.
Veronica Morua
Anyone’s blood pressure go up during an attack ?
Earl Roethke
I’ve been dealing with this for around 20 years. At first it was only my left ear. I had a vestibular nerve section which eliminated symptoms until I started having problems in my right ear about 10 years ago. Prednisone didn’t help, and betahistine didn’t appear to help either. What does help is Valium (5 mg) when I first start to feel it “coming on.” This will often hold off a more serious attack. After taking the Valium I usually rest for a few hours, and then I can move forward. I’m deaf in my left ear and mostly deaf in my right, but get by with bilateral cochlear implants. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol are also important.
Please help me because I have menieres disease for 7 years…..
Hi Esha, I’m not sure what you’ve tried so far, but this post is a great starting point, along with all of the other posts it links to:
Whew….read all the posts. MD really can steal your life away. Just took Dramamine, as my doctor suggested. It stops the nausea, within 10 minutes. I have had ringing in my ears since my 20s. I am in my 50s now, and the “attacks”, can always be traced back to food. At least for me. It’s like our bodies are a thermometer and when that sodium gets too high…ding ding ding…panic. I carry the Dramamine (less dizzy) formula with me, when out at an event etc.. it’s hard to monitor the sodium at a wedding etc. I also have psoriasis, not horribly, but after age 50 it seems to get triggered as well. Autoimmune. I just hope I don’t lose my hearing. I got fitted for a hearing aid, as my husband got tired of me turning up the volume on the TV. Sometimes I feel like crying. So I do. Then I think about how others suffer from one thing or another. I don’t have to worry about financials, so that’s one less stress. I believe in God, and praying has helped me. (It’s like meditation for me). I have had a happy life, for the most part. Friends sometimes don’t understand. But, that’s okay. I hope there will be a cure someday. I actually do “fasting”, for a day. On those days I feel great. I drink water…and eat very little. Banana, cup of plain yogurt with berries and walnuts and a touch of honey. I miss breads and cheese and chips….lol…I watch the food channel, and dream I’m eating something yummy. Yep. Old age….it Anit for sissies. Take care….all.
Hi Linda, sorry to know that you have pso too. I’m on the same boat.
Have strength and patient. Maybe I´ll try the fasting and see how I feel.
Jose Antonio Soto
HI Glenn,
Thanks for all of the very helpful information. I was diagnosed with a Perilymphatic Fisula (Perilymph fluid leak into the middle ear) six years ago as it was thought that barotrauma was a factor in my symptoms. I suffered from mild dizziness, tinnitus in my right ear, and aural fullness on both ears for a few months but eventually, the dizziness disappeared and my aural fullness was dramatically reduced for 6 years. Most recently this past winter brought some bad seasonal allergies (ragweed) and the aural fullness plus mild lightheadedness settled in yet again. Because of this periodic onset, my doctor now diagnosed me with Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops- A mild version of Meneires- also referred to as Atypical Meneires. I am taking Betahistine and it has been pretty amazing at significantly reducing lightheartedness \ dizziness but I have not seen any improvements in my tinnitus. I am wondering if you can provide me with information regarding any new medical breakthroughs or research that is currently happening with Meneire’s. With much improved access to technology and new developments in medical science, I am sure someone is working hard at finding a cure right?
I have been trying to figure out if I could have Menieres or a vascular issue. I’m 37, fit and have an incredibly healthy diet. For 7/8 years I’ve been having these attacks that don’t usually last more than a few minutes. I’m most likely to get them in the shower, that’s where I get the ones that are the worst, where the room spins and I almost puke. The bad fits are occasional. But I get approx. 4-7 episodes per week. I have gotten to where I can usually feel them come on just before they happen. Kinda like a funny twinge in my ear and then the loud ringing happens and then the fullness like my ear is filling with water. This gradually subsides by feeling and hearing “the water” drain from my ear slowly. The reason I can’t figure out if it’s vascular or not is because they are triggered by adrenaline aside from the shower incidents. So any time during sex, beginning of a workout, fear, anger or strong emotions. These episodes never happen if I’m fully hydrated, as in recently having at least one liter of water. I had my heart checked, and I’m scheduled for an MRI but can anyone tell me if this sounds like Menieres? I should point out that is all happens in my left ear and my left ear has been ringing my entire life and I only recently found out that other people do not hear this same sound when they are in a quiet room. Having this mysterious disorder has changed my life significantly and I don’t venture far from a hospital because of terrible fears. I didn’t get checked for the longest time because I kept going back and forth between denial and certainty that I am dying.