After a tough couple of months, I’m exhausted. It hasn’t been easy.

But today is a very different kind of day.

And its days like today that make it all worthwhile.

Because today, after ten months, and hundreds of hours of the hardest work I’ve ever done, my new book – Rewiring Tinnitus: How I Finally Found Relief From the Ringing in My Ears – is finally finished and available now on Amazon!

And I couldn’t be more proud.

Rewiring Tinnitus 3D Cover

Available in Paperback and as an eBook.
(The eBook is $2.99 for a few days only!)

For most people with Meniere’s disease, tinnitus isn’t usually the top priority.

It’s a big problem, sure, but the violent vertigo and constant disequilibrium tend to be far more pressing, especially to the newly diagnosed.

But in my journey with Meniere’s disease, there came a point when my tinnitus became a much bigger issue. And as I found ways to manage my Meniere’s symptoms, my tinnitus got worse.

In a strange way, this book is something of a follow up to my first book, Mind Over Meniere’s. Without it, I never would have started exploring tinnitus in the way that I did.

But I’m grateful, because I found a strategy that actually worked. And Tinnitus is a much bigger problem than I ever could have imagined.

Close to 50 million people suffer from tinnitus in the US alone. Worldwide, it’s almost 600 million.

A Better Way Forward:

I’ve come to believe that if you have tinnitus, the only question that matters is: “Does it bother you?”

Because if it does, you can do something about it. It’s the only thing you actually have the power to change.

There isn’t a cure or a reliable way to reduce the volume, but you can change your emotional reaction to the sound and dramatically improve your quality of life.

You can live in harmony with the sound, and get to a place where it stops bothering you.

That’s what this book is about.

My tinnitus drove me crazy for a long time. But in my journey with Meniere’s disease, I stumbled on to simple exercises that radically changed my emotional, psychological, and physiological reaction to the sound of my tinnitus.

And what started as a lucky accident, evolved into a system that changed my life and banished my tinnitus to the background of my mind.

Available Now:

Too many people are told they “just have to live with it.” And that’s unacceptable to me.

Too many people have had to endure the torture of tinnitus for far too long.

Too many people simply can’t afford the high cost conventional of treatment.

It’s time for a change.

It’s time you found relief, too.

Rewiring Tinnitus is available now (just in time for Christmas!) And for the next few days only, the Kindle eBook is $2.99.

Click here to get your copy!

(If you have Kindle Unlimited, which is Amazon’s Netflix for books, it’s completely free. If you don’t have it, you can click here for a free month, and still read it for free!)

Glenn Schweitzer

P.S. As a special bonus, the Kindle version of my first book, Mind Over Meniere’s: How I Conquered Meniere’s Disease and Learned to Thrive, is also on sale for $2.99 for a limited time!

P.S.S. If money is an issue for you, and you want either book, just shoot me an email ( I’m happy to help you out!

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    Although the Symptom Relief Project’s aim is to contribute to wellness, it is not intended as a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. No medical claims are intended, express or implied. No statements made in the application or related documentation have been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Do not stop taking any of your prescribed medication.

    The buyer/user of The Symptom Relief Project assumes all risks in the use of the Symptom Relief Project, waving any claims against Glenn Schweitzer and Mind Over Meniere’s for any and all mental or physical injuries. This includes all self-created suggestions for mood altering, brain wave states altering, and for self-improvement or motivation. The buyer/user also agrees to assume liabilities when other persons have access to the Symptom Relief Project.

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